Below are links that can help you research your family, as well as local history. We recommend you start here. We do house some of the Eloise hospital patient records (not medical) at WHVP but we do not have a comprehensive collection and they are not digitized.
For Eloise Death Records, contact Wayne County Clerk's Office at 313-224-5536. They will need the Full Name, date/year of death and where they died. NOTE: Eloise Hospital in Nankin Township prior to 1966 and in Westland after 1966.
Records may also be at the Michigan Department of Community Health at 517-335-8666 OR write: Vital Record Requests P.O. Box 30195 Lansing, MI 48909
The Rowe House (our administrative office and archives) contains a variety of non-digitized records including Westland City Council meeting minutes, John Glenn yearbooks, local event pictures, newspaper clippings, Eloise resident records (incomplete), some census records, prominent Nankin Family records, assession/artifacts records and many others.